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Eileen Clarke

This Dish Gives Fast Food A New Meaning

Let’s see if this sounds like you: Roll out of bed, lucky to have time to shower, grab something to eat on the run… maybe.

Skate into work or school with barely seconds to spare. Head down and get it done, possibly chained to a computer or device for a good portion of your day.

Finish work and/or school now hit the books or maybe you get to take home a project to work on in your “free time.” Wait! Forgot that you made plans tonight to catch up with friends or even family!

Finally, you’re in for the night. Some “me” time either streaming entertainment or gaming. After that you get to crash, hopefully for more than 4 hours, so you can wake up and start it all over again tomorrow.

No wonder why you’re having such a hard time taking good care of yourself!

Well, we won’t solve all the self-care needs you have in one article. So, let’s just talk about one of our favorites…food.

So many options and so little time available. Just imagine that there was an option that was simple, not so expensive, easy to find or make, appeals to anyone’s tastes, and won’t break the bank.

Have you heard of Buddha Bowls? Perhaps you’ve heard them called by some other name like Grain Bowl, Nourish Bowl, or Power Bowl. If you haven’t heard of any of these, you may have been locked onto those screens a little too long.

Though there seems to be some disagreement over the origins of the dish, all seem to agree on what the dish is about: a bowl filled with small portions of several different nutritious foods.

Bowl meals are a great option because, well, one bowl. Already a win with easy clean-up. You can buy or make them in multiple varieties, styles, and dietary preferences. They don’t take too much space, so, you can eat them almost anywhere, like at your desk while writing an article.

These meals are super easy to find these days. You can order them at places like Panera ($10.99 - $13.59), Chipotle ($8.85 - $11.85) or Wawa ($6.99 - $8.99) as well as any number of local health-minded restaurants.

No doubt, you’re not going out to eat all the time with everything on your plate (pun intended). You can pick them up from your local grocery store. Some options are Amy’s Kitchen ($5.31 - $7.99), Trader Joe’s ($3.49 - $4.79), and Healthy Choice ($3.98 - $4.29), just to name a few.

Now, occasionally, you may have a day that you don’t have a lot to do. If you’re feeling energetic and adventuresome enough, you can make your own!

One of the big issues humans have when trying to eat healthier is getting bored. Good news for you, there are a number of websites that have multiple recipes available.

I culled through and found some easy to navigate sites, just to save you some time. and were not difficult to use at all. I just typed in bowl recipes, and there they all were. Of course, my favorite standby is Pinterest! Go ahead and type in bowl recipes in their search. Pretty sure it will take you a year to run out of different bowls to make.

We’ve covered ways Buddha Bowls can be good for you. We’ve also addressed what could get in the way of you partaking of these easy meals. Now the rest is up to you.

Next time your stomach starts its impression of Chewbacca, think about having one of these bowls, and know that you did something good for you in spite of your hectic, no-time-to-stop life.

We’d love to hear about your experiences with Buddha Bowls. Drop us a line in the comments about your favorite, eat-out, take-home, or recipe, and thanks for sharing!

(Neither the writer nor the website have been compensated in any way by the companies documented in this article.)

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